Customer Testimonials

15 september 2021

Once again, we met one of our customers to discuss about SIA and our collaboration together. It is also an opportunity to highlight those who have worked with SIA over the long term and have done so for years.

1 / Can you present MOTOREST?

Motorest is an Algerian oneperson limited liability undertakings existing for almost 27 years, processing in:

  • Import and distribution of spare parts for heavy, industrial and agricultural vehicles.
  • Import and distribution of agricultural equipment
  • Manufacturing and distribution of agricultural equipment
  • The design and fitting out of industrial vehicles
  • Import and distribution of the refrigeration unit (national representation).

To ensure optimal distribution, MOTOREST has:

-2 distribution units.

-10 sales representatives

-Fleet of a dozen vehicles of different capacities.

-National coverage of 45 regions out of 58

2 / What is Motorest's relationship with SIA?

MOTOREST has a historical relationship with Tunisian companies in general, and especially with SIA . This good relationship owes us to the efforts produced by both parties to achieve a common goal of "being a leader in the market".

3 / According to you, what are the strengths and advantage of the SIA ?

SIA shock absorbers have become a benchmark quality in our market and this thanks to the flexibility of the producer to adapt to the needs of the Algerian park.

4 / How was your collaboration with SIA in the context of the pandemic ?

Due to border closures caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The two companies have put in place the necessary device to allow the introduction of the product in the territory and its distribution.


Call us or fill out the form below and we will contact you. We strive to respond to all inquiries within 24 hours on business days.
